Monday, October 31, 2005

Boo, are ya scared?

[Mood| -___- --> ]
[Music| The Beautiful Letdown - Switchfoot ]

Halloween, annoying kids knocking my door...

What I've learned over this weekend:

Thirteen hours of straight programming with bad ergonomic design gives you Carpal Tunnel.

You cannot get through a day with just a bagel.

Procrastination is only as good as the cramming you do when you realize that you are doomed.

Don't study for a chemistry test, it won't help you.

No one cares if you skip Sunday Math.

Bulbasaur is useless.

Compsci is actually fun if you know what you're doing.

Time equals quality.

Friday, October 14, 2005

teh crapx0rs day.

[Mood| what does this look like -_- ]
[Music| Apocalyptica - Quutamo]

Today is teh crapx0rs. Friday = band day = waking up at 6. Played Count Basie music. Count Basie = teh hard music. teh hard music = n00b gr 10 ppl can't play = sux0rs sound = TEH FRUSTRATING!!! OMFG WHY DON'T SOME OF YOU STUPID PEOPLE TAKE YOUR EFFING INSTRUMENTS HOME AND PRACTICE?!!!! THAT WAY YOU CAN STOP WASTING EVERYBODY'S REHEARSAL TIME, YOU STUPID $@#%(&s. IT'S PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO MAKES THE BAND SOUND BAD. HKSDY&(^SHL:S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Me calm now.

Moving on, the rehearsal put me in a really bad mood, and another person was not so nice to me, so I was being b!tchy to pretty much everyone. At lunch time, I cried. One stupid comment triggered my lacrimal glands to go crazy. One sad thought lead to another, and another, and another. I couldn't stop. It was so bad that I couldn't even go to my Functions class... Almost as if I was having an emotional breakdown, *sigh*.. I had stayed in an empty classroom for a full period to recover. Felt better in the end, went on to my next class. Thank you sir =).

Rest of the day was alrighty, except for now, my parents are demoting my self-worth again.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bleh #2

Going to try to update at least once a week. Starting... tomorrow?

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Why hasn't Nariel updated for the past 3 weeks?

1. She procrastinates.
2. School is too busy.