Friday, October 14, 2005

teh crapx0rs day.

[Mood| what does this look like -_- ]
[Music| Apocalyptica - Quutamo]

Today is teh crapx0rs. Friday = band day = waking up at 6. Played Count Basie music. Count Basie = teh hard music. teh hard music = n00b gr 10 ppl can't play = sux0rs sound = TEH FRUSTRATING!!! OMFG WHY DON'T SOME OF YOU STUPID PEOPLE TAKE YOUR EFFING INSTRUMENTS HOME AND PRACTICE?!!!! THAT WAY YOU CAN STOP WASTING EVERYBODY'S REHEARSAL TIME, YOU STUPID $@#%(&s. IT'S PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO MAKES THE BAND SOUND BAD. HKSDY&(^SHL:S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Me calm now.

Moving on, the rehearsal put me in a really bad mood, and another person was not so nice to me, so I was being b!tchy to pretty much everyone. At lunch time, I cried. One stupid comment triggered my lacrimal glands to go crazy. One sad thought lead to another, and another, and another. I couldn't stop. It was so bad that I couldn't even go to my Functions class... Almost as if I was having an emotional breakdown, *sigh*.. I had stayed in an empty classroom for a full period to recover. Felt better in the end, went on to my next class. Thank you sir =).

Rest of the day was alrighty, except for now, my parents are demoting my self-worth again.


At 10/15/2005 12:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you are the 2nd best person in the world

At 10/15/2005 3:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

because...I am the best! muahahaha. No really, there's a reason why I pretend to be stupid.

At 10/15/2005 3:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwww.... *pat*

At 10/15/2005 10:37 p.m., Blogger One against all, all against one said...

I think the gr10's probably play their instrument better than me...I need to go practice.

And oh yeah, I can definitely sympathize about the parents. I'm having a hard time bowing to them when the Muses are driving me on.


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