Monday, December 12, 2005


[Mood| O___O ]
[Music| F.I.R. - Lydia]

Aw man, it's been a whole damn month since my last update.. and I said I was going to update more frequently... -___-

Well, first thing first, I changed my layout, AGAIN.. because I got tired of this "Rain on me" thing.. So now I'm using this plain thing until I find one worthy of the greatest blog in the world. Ok.

I am going to talk about what I remember from the past month now.. *whips out agenda*

Nov 8 - Data test, I OWNED IT!!! 110%!!!! PWNAGE!!!! Compsci Test: OWNED THAT ONE TOO!!! WHAT A GOOD DAY FOR ME!!
Nov 9 - uhh, boring day.
Nov 10 - Macbeth Act 1 test: not so good..
Nov 14 - Report cards. Boo. 89 average. WHY CAN'T YOU TEACHERS BOOST IT TO A 90!!! AHHHH!!!
Nov 17 - Parent-teacher interviews. Helped 2 teachers
Nov 23 - COMC, Score: 55..
Dec 2 through 4 - Hid in basement and worked on Blackjack assignment
Dec 7 - Winter concert. Screwed up on my solo...
Dec 9 - Learned never to study for a biology test ever again.
Today - OWNAGE ON TWO TESTS!!!!! (Chem + compsci)

There, 30 days condensed to about 15 seconds. w00t... ¬__¬.

John Ruan got accepted to University of Columbia!!! CONGRATS, JOHN!! Obviously, being the Chinese person I am, I asked John on his experiences on how to get accepted to one of the most prestigous universities in the world. Well, after talking to him, I realized that there's no chance whatsoever for me to go to an Ivy, be it the real, pseudo, or public Ivies. Sigh, I fail at life... And yet, instead of working, I'm here - ranting about my life instead of making it happen. I've sunk low.

Now that I'm depressed, please give me some Prozac.


Monday, November 07, 2005

Three things to appreciate..

[Mood| Sad ]
[Music| Let It Be - The Beatles ]

Horrible weekend.. Just. Plain. Hell.

I was listening to my favourite radio show last night, the Satellite Sisters, they were talking about steps to become a more positive person. One of the smalls steps suggested is that, at the end of a day, write down 3 positive things that happened to you, or three things you are grateful for, or 3 nice things, you get the idea..

Here's my start:

1. Got 94% on the computer assignment which I worked really hard on.
2. I talked to my social worker =D.
3. My parents are a bit warmer to me today.

Start yours too!


Thursday, November 03, 2005


[Mood| ]
[Music| 发如雪 - 周杰伦 ]



狼牙月 伊人憔悴 我举杯 饮尽了风雪
是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非

缘字诀 几番轮回 你锁眉 哭红颜唤不回
纵然青史已经成灰 我爱不灭

繁华如三千东流水 我只取一瓢爱了解 只恋你化身的蝶

你发如雪 凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁
邀明月 让回忆皎洁 爱在月光下完美
你发如雪 纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁
红尘醉 微醺的岁月 我用无悔 刻永世爱你的碑

If the above doesn't display correctly, click on "View" on top of your browser, set the encoding to auto-detect Chinese Simplified.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Boo, are ya scared?

[Mood| -___- --> ]
[Music| The Beautiful Letdown - Switchfoot ]

Halloween, annoying kids knocking my door...

What I've learned over this weekend:

Thirteen hours of straight programming with bad ergonomic design gives you Carpal Tunnel.

You cannot get through a day with just a bagel.

Procrastination is only as good as the cramming you do when you realize that you are doomed.

Don't study for a chemistry test, it won't help you.

No one cares if you skip Sunday Math.

Bulbasaur is useless.

Compsci is actually fun if you know what you're doing.

Time equals quality.

Friday, October 14, 2005

teh crapx0rs day.

[Mood| what does this look like -_- ]
[Music| Apocalyptica - Quutamo]

Today is teh crapx0rs. Friday = band day = waking up at 6. Played Count Basie music. Count Basie = teh hard music. teh hard music = n00b gr 10 ppl can't play = sux0rs sound = TEH FRUSTRATING!!! OMFG WHY DON'T SOME OF YOU STUPID PEOPLE TAKE YOUR EFFING INSTRUMENTS HOME AND PRACTICE?!!!! THAT WAY YOU CAN STOP WASTING EVERYBODY'S REHEARSAL TIME, YOU STUPID $@#%(&s. IT'S PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO MAKES THE BAND SOUND BAD. HKSDY&(^SHL:S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Me calm now.

Moving on, the rehearsal put me in a really bad mood, and another person was not so nice to me, so I was being b!tchy to pretty much everyone. At lunch time, I cried. One stupid comment triggered my lacrimal glands to go crazy. One sad thought lead to another, and another, and another. I couldn't stop. It was so bad that I couldn't even go to my Functions class... Almost as if I was having an emotional breakdown, *sigh*.. I had stayed in an empty classroom for a full period to recover. Felt better in the end, went on to my next class. Thank you sir =).

Rest of the day was alrighty, except for now, my parents are demoting my self-worth again.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bleh #2

Going to try to update at least once a week. Starting... tomorrow?

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Why hasn't Nariel updated for the past 3 weeks?

1. She procrastinates.
2. School is too busy.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

School started.

[Mood| fatigued ]
[Music| -- ]

Labour Day's passing marks the beginning of a new school year. *siiiiigh* Massey is considerably more crowded now. Two more portatbles and a dozen new staffs and a gazillion new pesky grade 9's. From what other people told me, we have 600 more students than the year before... WTF!!!! 600?!!!! I know the elementary schools are expanding, BUT 600? Six-zero-zero? Incomprehendable.

Well, here is my daily schedule, and a brief comment [on the teacher]:
  1. English (Zieba) - Can you spell wow?
  2. French (Kaufman) - actually understand what she's saying, still thinking of dropping.
  3. Chemistry (Gale) - Cool teacher, as of now...
  4. Computer Science (McKenzie) - two thumbs up.
  5. ---------LUNCH-----------
  6. Functions & Relations (Caldwell) - "arrrrgh, kill, kill, kill."
  7. Data Management (Tran) - I think this will be an innnnnnteresting class.
  8. Biology (Nanson) - Hmm, I like his stoies..
  9. Physics (Marshall) - I like Marshall. Despite the heavy criticisms, she is really really nice.
Right-O. It's only the second day, and I'm already exhausted. My eyes can barely open. Want. Bed. Now.

*falls* zZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZz


Sunday, September 04, 2005


[Mood| celebrative (look at George, he makes me drool...)]
[Music| The Happy Birthday Song ]

YAY!!!!!!! I TURNED THE BIG 16 TODAY!!!! ^__________________^ SOOO HAPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY~~~~~!!!!!

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday Dear Stephanie
Happy birthday to me


So, this is what happened today:
Woke up. Ate WHATEVER I WANTED FOR BREAKFAST. Listened to my favvy radio show. Called some people. Went shopping at Chinese stores, Price Chopper, Walmart, and Costco. My parent's bought a million bags of rice at PC, they were on sale. I bought school stuff at Walmart. Skipped Sunday Math (ha.ha.). Organized school stuff. Did stuff at home. Went to a Chinese restaurant. GROSSLY disappointed at the food. It was VERY mediocre. But I got bubble tea at the store across from it, so yah. Came home. Took some family pictures (me parents and moi). Called more people. Shower. And now I'm here.

My friend keji (aka Jack, not the Massey Jack), made me a computer graphic picture whicture pretty thingy. It's so beautiful, I love it so much ^__^. He will be a third year student at the U of T this fall, and he makes professional custom designs for companies, websites, blah blah. Check out his website. He makes really neat stuff. If by any chance, a CEO of a multi-billion dollar coporation comes across my blog, and he is in need of a web designer, please check out Keji's site: This is what he made for me: clicky! He also sent me a full version of the girl, which I turned it into my current desktop background. =). Thank you so much, Kej!! ^__^


*sings birthday song*

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Any guy can sweep any girl off her feet...

...he just needs the right broom.

[Mood| satisfied ]
[Music| You and Me - Lifehouse]

I'm going to try and finish this post before my parents get home.. Right-o.

Check out this kewl roxorz layout! Grabbed it from Blogskins again. And my AWESOME BEATLE MOOD ICONS!!!! <<<<<<3~~~~~.

Went to Mr. White's house yesterday.. helped with math website. If you arrange the letters of I'm at school, you will get math is cool. That's very cool....

I watched two movies this afternoon: Sideways, and Hitch. Sideways was a pretty good movie. In a bottle, it's about two guys: Miles and Jack, going away for a week's vacation to celebrate Jack's last week of bachelorhood, and to 'undepress' Miles. Miles sorta gets together with this waitress girl (Mya) he's been liking for a while. And Jack meets this chick (Stephanie), and they hookup. But in the end, Jack still gets marries to whoever he was suppose to. All those people are in the forty-ish age group. My summary is really crappy and uninsightful, but go watch it. There's this incredible scene of Miles and Mya exchanging what they like most about wine. ell, yah.. it was very lovely >__>. Man, Will Smith was smoooooooooooooooooooooooth (in Hitch). Smmmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth. Cheezy movie. 100% chick flick. I love. Ya. My title is quoted from the movie.


Love me, comment.